Thursday, June 2, 2011

St.Konstantin & Elena

Constantine's parents were the Emperor Constantius flora and Empress Helena. Flor had other children by other women, but Elena had only Constantine. Three major battles was when Constantine was crowned: one against Maxentius, a tyrant in Rome, another against the Scythians on the Danube and the third against the Byzantines. Before the battle with Maxentius, when Constantine was a major concern and doubt about his success, he appeared in broad daylight shining cross in the sky, all adorned with stars and the Cross were written: "By this Conquer" Astonished, the emperor ordered him forged a cross, similar to the one that appeared to bring before military. With the power of the Cross, he gained a glorious victory over the numerically superior enemy. Maxentius drowned in the river Tiber. Immediately after this, Constantine issued the famous Edict of Milan in 313, to halt the persecution of Christians. After defeating the Byzantines, he built a beautiful capital of the Bosporus, which has since been called Constantinople. But first, Constantine succumbed to the dreaded disease (leprosy). Priests and doctors advised him to bathe in the blood of slaughtered children, but he declined. Then the Apostles Peter and Paul and told him to ask Bishop Sylvester, who will cure the dreaded disease. The bishop instructed him in the Christian faith and baptized him and leprosy disappeared from the body of the king. When there was discord in the Church because smutliviot heretic Arius, the emperor convened the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea in 325. This heresy was condemned and Orthodoxy confirmed. Pious mother of the Emperor, Saint Helena, very zealous for the faith of Christ. She visited Jerusalem and found the Great Cross of the Lord build the Calvary Church of the Resurrection and many other churches in the Holy Land. In his eightieth year this holy woman went to the Lord in 327. The Emperor Constantine outlived his mother for ten years and died in his sixty-fifth year, in 337, in the city of Nicomedia. His body was interred in the church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Карван на книгата 2011

Од вчера во нашиот град во организација на издавачкиот центар ТРИ започна традиционалниот карван на книгата. Истиот во Прилеп ќе биде присутен до среда а после продолжува во Штип, Гевгелија,Струмица и Куманово.
За сите заинтерсирани љубители на пишаниот збор има попусти на изданијата кои се движат од 20-50%.
Значи во секој случај одлична шанса да се заменат часовите поминати пред компјутер со некоја добра книга.

From yesterday in our city organization began publishing center THREE traditional caravan to the book. It Prilep will be present until Wednesday and then continues in Stip, Gevgelija, Strumica and Kumanovo.
For all interested lovers of the written word has discounts on publications that range of 20-50%.
So in any case a great chance to replace the hours spent on the computer with a good book.