Thursday, June 30, 2011


Prilep is located in the centre of the south part of Republic of Macedonia. It is situated in Field of Prilep that is in the north part of the largest ravine in Macedonia, Pelagonija. The town is at an altitude of 620 – 650 metres. Prilep's metropolitan area is covering some 511 sq km with a population of about 80 000. Prilep is known as "the city under Marko's Towers" because of its proximity to the towers of the legendary hero King Marko.

In the history data, Prilep is mentioned in 1014 for the first time. The area of the town and its countryside were one of the most important strategic, political and military places in this part of the Balkans. The vital ancient roads "Via Ignazia" and "Via Militaris" were the most natural connection with the whole Balkans, crossing Prilep. The shortest road that connects Venice and Dubrovnik businessmen with the ones in Thessaloniki was crossing through Prilep, too.

The most authentic monument complexes from the ancient period are: Bedem in Cepigovo, Bezisten between Prilepec and Volkovo, and some sightseeings within the town. There are many archeological sites in ancient cities like: Stibera, Alcomena, Keramia, Colobansa etc. It is of great significance to bear in mind the percent of the cultural and historical monuments dated from Middle Age, as following: St. Nicola’s church from XIII century, St. Uspenie Bogorodica as a part of Treskavec monastery with XV, XVI and XIX century frescosand icons, and monastery (included St. Preobrazdenie church) situated in the village of Zrze.
The most important cultural and historical place is the town itself. It was the center of the largest political and regional organization, crucial political and military place as well as a temporary residence of Tzar Samuil (between the Marco’s Hills Fortress and the round space within the Under Fortress place, Varos and Zagrad). One of the five largest Balkans that is composed of three defense levels and many buildings and gates is a part of Marko's Hills Fortress.

Within the Ilinden period, the town was a centre of the Macedonian national movement for freedom. 50 revolutionaries like: Pere Toshev, Gorche Petrov, Petre Acev and many more, were members of the National Liberation Army and what is more important they came from Prilep.

On October, 11 1941 with the attack over Police station the uprising against fascism started. Macedonian people fought for their national freedom and independence. The Park of Revolution as a historical monument and in the same time the holy joint graveyard in memoriam of over 650 fighters for freedom, is an evidence for the mass and self-sacrificing citizens' participation in the Second World War.

Prilep has its essential growth in the after war free development period. Then it became respectably well known political, administrative, cultural, educational, scientific and commercial centre of Macedonia. Prilep has "invested" more than 25 excellent writers in the literature, more than 20 painters and sculptures in the art, and numerous famous scientists in Macedonia and the world. This obvious development has resulted with the establishment of the Faculty of Economy, and the first scientific institutions: Tobacco Institute and the Institute for research and examination of the former Slavic culture. We can see the business life through many industrial branches like: Tobacco industry, Metal industry, Chemical, Textile and Wood Industry. Prilep is famous world center for tobacco production. Its tobacco is especially wanted all around the world. Prilep is proud of its high-quality marble dug from the numerous mines in the area. It has a rich cultural heritage and history, represents our national proud, it is a cosmopolitan town often called The Hero Town.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

In Prilep marked the 90 anniversary of the death of Gjorce Petrov

In Prilep today marked the 90th anniversary of the death of Petrov, one of the largest Macedonian revolutionaries.
On that occasion, delegations of local government led by Mayor Marjan Risteski secondary medical school that bears the name of revolutionary political parties and citizens paid homage and laid fresh flowers at the birth house of the Disabled in Varos.
Prilep Mayor Marjan Risteski announced construction of a memorial to disabled and square that bears his name.
- In front of his former home house will be built to the square bearing his name, in the center of Prilep will be placed a monument of this great revolutionary, said Risteski.

Gorce Petrov was killed on June 28, 1921 outside his home in Sofia.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Prilep is preparing for the 32 th Convention of the Carnival City

Prilep took carnival flag - the symbol of World Association of Cities and carnival begins intensively preparing for the 32nd Carnival Cities Convention to be held in late May 2012thLast weekend representatives of Prilep attended the 31st Convention held in Vrnjacka Banja in Serbia.
- Prilep in Vrnjacka Banja  presentated program for the convention next year. It was shown a film about the joys of Prilep, Macedonia, with the performance of the carnival mask, and was distributed publicity material, said at a news conference Snezana Risteska, adviser for culture in local government.
In particular it was stressed that the first person to FEK Henry van der Krohn was impressed by the common point of Prilep's Meckari and dancing studio "Zodiac" as a blend of traditional and modern, something unprecedented when it comes to Carnival performances.
The organization of the 32 th Convention of the Carnival city of Prilep won two years ago, the 29 th General Assembly of the Association of European and world cities in Budva carnival. The city expects it to be one of the biggest events we organized and should be used as an excellent opportunity to promote not only Prilep but also  Macedonia.

With The Carnival "Procka(Forgiveness)"Prilep from  2006 became a member of the Association of European carnival cities. He ranks in the highest category of carnivals over the authenticity of the masks.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Young and talented-Ljupcho Trajanoski

Ljupcho Trajanoski is young musician from Prilep who choosed viola for his playing tool.
That  before him stands a bright future proof is that in recent years consistently won awards at music competitions. The latest success is his second award at the recent National Chamber Music Competition.

- Winning the second prize made me very proud and still more in me the desire to increase after high school to go with the music, probably at the Music Academy in Skopje. Playing with my partner Tamara, who accompanied me on the piano and played works by Glinka and Hansit. This success recharge it first won a seat in the orchestra at the music school where I teach - says this young talented prilepchanec.
Ljupco now graduates in the state music school in Bitola, in the class of Professor Nikola Trajanovski and viola playing ten years. Favorite composers is Bach, Vanhau, Glinka, Nikolovski ...- I found the beautiful sound of violata that as a tool for raising my heart.Come back in a few hours a day, and found that my persistence is most awards we won in recent years - said the young violist.
We found that the talent he inherited from his ancestors, and his family members played more of a tool.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

St.Konstantin & Elena

Constantine's parents were the Emperor Constantius flora and Empress Helena. Flor had other children by other women, but Elena had only Constantine. Three major battles was when Constantine was crowned: one against Maxentius, a tyrant in Rome, another against the Scythians on the Danube and the third against the Byzantines. Before the battle with Maxentius, when Constantine was a major concern and doubt about his success, he appeared in broad daylight shining cross in the sky, all adorned with stars and the Cross were written: "By this Conquer" Astonished, the emperor ordered him forged a cross, similar to the one that appeared to bring before military. With the power of the Cross, he gained a glorious victory over the numerically superior enemy. Maxentius drowned in the river Tiber. Immediately after this, Constantine issued the famous Edict of Milan in 313, to halt the persecution of Christians. After defeating the Byzantines, he built a beautiful capital of the Bosporus, which has since been called Constantinople. But first, Constantine succumbed to the dreaded disease (leprosy). Priests and doctors advised him to bathe in the blood of slaughtered children, but he declined. Then the Apostles Peter and Paul and told him to ask Bishop Sylvester, who will cure the dreaded disease. The bishop instructed him in the Christian faith and baptized him and leprosy disappeared from the body of the king. When there was discord in the Church because smutliviot heretic Arius, the emperor convened the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea in 325. This heresy was condemned and Orthodoxy confirmed. Pious mother of the Emperor, Saint Helena, very zealous for the faith of Christ. She visited Jerusalem and found the Great Cross of the Lord build the Calvary Church of the Resurrection and many other churches in the Holy Land. In his eightieth year this holy woman went to the Lord in 327. The Emperor Constantine outlived his mother for ten years and died in his sixty-fifth year, in 337, in the city of Nicomedia. His body was interred in the church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Карван на книгата 2011

Од вчера во нашиот град во организација на издавачкиот центар ТРИ започна традиционалниот карван на книгата. Истиот во Прилеп ќе биде присутен до среда а после продолжува во Штип, Гевгелија,Струмица и Куманово.
За сите заинтерсирани љубители на пишаниот збор има попусти на изданијата кои се движат од 20-50%.
Значи во секој случај одлична шанса да се заменат часовите поминати пред компјутер со некоја добра книга.

From yesterday in our city organization began publishing center THREE traditional caravan to the book. It Prilep will be present until Wednesday and then continues in Stip, Gevgelija, Strumica and Kumanovo.
For all interested lovers of the written word has discounts on publications that range of 20-50%.
So in any case a great chance to replace the hours spent on the computer with a good book.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Анастасија Стојаноска на насловна страна

7 годишната Прилепчанка Анастасија Стојаноска се појави на насловната страна на еден Шведски спортски весник, побудувајќи го интересот на тамошната спортска јавност со своите успеси во карате спортот. Нам ни останува само да и посакаме да продолжи со своите успеси и понатаму затоа што Прилеп се гордее со своите врвни спортисти.

Откриен споменикот Карпалак

Денеска во Прилеп е откриено спомен обележјето за десетте загинати Прилепски бранители на Карпалак за време на конфликтот во 2001 година. Споменикот има десет краци како симбол за десетте погинати бранители а на врвот има топка која пулсира како срце. Впечатливоста на целиот објект треба да биде надополнета со изградба на фонтана под самиот споменик.

Today in Prilep  memorial is unveiled for the ten dead Prilep Karpalak defenders during the conflict in 2001. The monument has ten spokes as a symbol for the ten dead defenders and the top has a ball as a pulsing heart. the entire facility should be complemented by building the fountain under the monument. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Сите на велосипед 2011

На 24 мај, во Прилеп, се одржува традиционалниот велосипедски настан Сите на велосипед, во организација на Велосипедскиот клуб „Илинден“.
Почетокот на велосипедската тура е закажан за  10:30 часот, во центарот на Прилеп, на булевар Гоце Делчев(пред реклами).
Се вози до спортскиот аеродром во Големо Коњари. Отворена е поканата до сите кои сакаат да ја искористат прекрасната прилика за рекреирање и со тоа да допринесат за подигањето на свеста за се поголемата потреба од рекретаивни активности во замена за "дремењето" пред компјутер.
Бидете пример за сите - ВОЗЕТЕ ВЕЛОСИПЕД.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ако си Прилепчанец...

Како што спомнавме во една прилика да се биде Прилепчанец е чест и привилегија која за среќа не може да ја има секој,не има секаде по белиов свет а не само во Прилеп носејќи го во себе неповторливото чувство за припадност кон родниот град и копнежот по него. Од денеска мојата мисија за ваше информирање за се интересно што се случува во нашиот град и нормално зачувување на спомените од минатото ги продолжувам и од ова место се со цел да бидиме што е можно поприсутни во неограничените интернет пространства.Со почит ве поздравувам, секое ви добро и се надевам дека и во иднина ќе бидете задоволни од содржините кои ќе бидат презентирани овде...